Monday, October 15, 2007

Blogging 2.0 has arrived !!

Bloozler , the next wave in Blogging, was launched at BarCampMumbai two days back.

Bloozler is the ‘Tool’ from bloozle which enables anyone to read all the blogs / news feeds etc in his/her reading list at one single place. No more going to each blog individually and checking for updates. No more missing out on the latest post. No more keeping track of your (blog / rss feeds) reading list by maintaining it in favourites or in document files.

So whats the Big Deal !! There are already some good blog aggregators / feed readers available. Whats with bloozle’s bloozler !!

Well, Bloozler tries to transform the simple act of blog reading and the attempt is to take it to the next level of maturity. Blogging is a phenomenon which has given netizens the ultimate freedom of expression. Simultaneously, it has become a nice source of latest happenings, news, views and reviews. In this Web 2.0 age of User Generated Content; people just don’t want to read some blogs out of plain interest to spend leisure time. They want more. They want to know more and more about the best blogs around, they want to increase the width as well as the depth of their reading. People not only want to read some blogs they already know of, they also want to read the ‘best’ blogs around (but usually don’t do so since they do not know the best ones around). Also the quality in these best blogs may not be consistent.

Bloozle takes into account all these current and future needs of the global blogging community. Conceptually, Bloozle is the platform which brings together the blogs you read, your friends read and everybody (using bloozler) reads. It then brings in a mechanism for ‘organizing’ the complex world of blogging information. Rating and tagging features form the foundation for organizing and filtering the huge abundance of user generated content resulting in ‘blog float’, the best blog posts or feeds automatically floating to the surface for everyone to read.

Bloozler is the web-based tool at your disposal for taking advantage of the revolutionary concept called bloozle. This web based tool will enable you to access your reading list from any internet connected computer terminal in the world and deliver the hottest blogs and posts right onto your screen.

Do check out Bloozler

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